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Webinar: International Women's Day 2019

BCSD Australia marks International Women’s Day by bringing together four inspiring female leaders to discuss the future role of women in business and the value of gender-balanced leadership: Dayle Stevens from AGL Energy, Kerryn Coker from Arup, Jacki Johnson from IAG and Siobhan Spoljaric from The NRMA.

The Business Council for Sustainable Development Australia recognises the significance of International Women’s Day 2019 by bringing together some of Australia’s leading women in sustainability to discuss the challenges to increasing women’s participation and leadership across all industries, as well as the benefits to business and the community by having a more diverse, equal workforce.

Titled ‘White Noise to Green Shoots’ the webinar deliberately references the Women’s Suffrage Movement and questions whether we are seeing progress on equality for women in the workplace – equality of opportunity, of pay, and of inclusion – with a particular focus on the Australian experience.

Speakers on the webinar include some of Australia’s most respected female leaders in sustainability:

  • Dayle Stevens – General Manager, Technology at AGL Energy

  • Kerryn Coker – Australasia Façade Engineering Leader, Arup

  • Jacki Johnson – Group Manager, People, Performance & Reputation at IAG

  • Siobhan Spoljaric – Senior Manager, Group Sustainability at The NRMA

During the webinar the panel discuss major issues in addressing the equality and participation of women, including the gender pay gap, integrating more STEM in women’s education to build future capacity and the need to invest in women’s leadership, with the speakers sharing the experience at their companies and their insights on the steps needed to address obstacles for women.

You can also listen to the webinar:

Many thanks to our amazing panel for giving us their time and insights.

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