People & Society

The current Australian society is characterised by a range of dynamic shifts and evolutions. We are faced with an Australia and a world that is polarising, one that is facing risks and opportunities in the way we work, a world that is on the move and a world in which people are living beyond their means.
Our People & Society program provides solutions that support companies in ensuring that they remain in tune with the needs, rights, goals and aspirations of society against the backdrop of this rapidly evolving landscape.
Our work on social impact catalyses business action to fuel inclusive growth. We do this by facilitating peer-to-peer exchange, inspiring, informing and advocating for business action, and representing the voice of leading business in international forums.
Projects already underway focus on helping companies operationalise the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, including the introduction of legislation in Australia on Modern Slavery, and shaping the future of work in an era of digitalisation and automation through our representation on the Australian Government's Sustainable Industry Reference Committee.