BCSD Australia's CEO, Andrew Petersen, was appointed to the Board of the Australia Packaging Covenant Organisation Ltd (APCO) as an Industry Association Director. Andrew’s appointment was confirmed at APCO’s annual general meeting on Thursday 1 November. This is the first time the APCO has appointed a business peak body that represents a broader based business constituency which includes all stakeholders across the value chain - producers, brand owners, technology providers, materials management and even local government.
"I welcome the opportunity to help APCO to realise the important implementation of the Towards 2025 Agenda and, when it is released later this year, the National Waste Policy, particularly where those policy elements encourage the development of Australia’s circular economy,” said Mr Petersen.
The Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) Limited is a co-regulatory, not for profit organisation partnering with government and industry to reduce the environmental impact of packaging in Australian communities. APCO delivers this model of shared responsibility through the promotion of sustainable packaging activities including sustainable design, recycling initiatives, waste to landfill reduction and circular economy projects.
Through this appointment and representation of business with APCO, BCSD Australia will be better placed to realise the goals of its Circular Economy work program and connect its members with the latest thinking and collaboration opportunities on packaging and waste.
