What’s your mobility pulse?
In this world of forced behaviour change, of remote work and reduced vehicle use, we are part of a lived experiment that is providing significant results for the future of sustainable mobility. Data is already showing improved air quality, reduced pressure on public transport infrastructure in cities and that remote working can be extremely productive. Now is your opportunity to contribute to the narrative post-COVID-19.
The BCSD Australia Mobility work group is calling all businesses to complete our short Mobility Pulse Survey. The survey is being conducted together with the University of Sydney’s Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS)
The survey covers flexible work, staff and customer journeys, how suppliers and products move through the value chain, and the impacts on building and parking facilities, fleets, logistics, infrastructure and technology. It takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and is open to companies of all sizes and from all sectors.
The survey should be completed by senior decision makers with oversight across the business. Results of the survey will be reflected back in a dashboard and contribute to an ‘After the Pandemic' Mobility Roadmap to support business tilt towards sustainable mobility opportunities.
The survey closes Friday 1 May 2020. We ask you to share to your networks.
For further details contact sarah.forde@bcsda.org.au.