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SDG1: The 17 Sustainable Days of the Election

Through the lens of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, over the 17 days leading up to the Australia’s national election we will be highlighting the challenge for an inclusive and sustainable Australia, what can be done to address the challenge and what BCSD Australia, as part of a global WBCSD network is doing to create impact.

On the first day, we are looking at SDG1: No poverty.

What is the challenge?

Poverty prevents people from exercising meaningful choices. Australia’s social security system is among the core institutions of contemporary Australian society, and it is one of the main levers not just of social policy but economic policy. While Australia’s performance in the 2018 SDG Index on SDG1 is relatively good, there is a need for improvements in social outcomes for the most vulnerable Australians.

What could be done to address this challenge?

Leave no one behind: as employers, taxpayers, and corporate citizens we want to ensure no-one is left behind in our transformation to a socially, environmentally and economically prosperous Australia. We want government to welcome business as an important partner in improving social outcomes for all Australians.

What is BCSD Australia doing to create impact to address this challenge?

We are working with a number of partner organisations on projects that will help to address this challenge here in Australia and around the world.

Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to see our latest posts on #SDGsAndTheElection each day.


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